
Second Right of Burial

Can my cremains be placed with someone who is already buried? Maybe.


Some ask for sentimental reasons, 
most think it is less expensive.

Traditionally, graves were sold for the purpose of one burial per grave.  With the popularity of cremation, the request to be placed with a loved one has increased.


Mount Calvary Cemetery Inc. allows the  opportunity for the  cremated remains of the children or grandchildren only of the original lot owner to be placed above an already existing burial, providing ALL cemetery criteria and process is met and approved by the cemetery.


To help educate our families, we have listed  the process, costs associated with “cremation bury over” and a few cost effective alternative options for cremation placement.


 Note:  Currently, the cost to place cremains in a grave is $894. Placement of a traditional burial is     $1450.  Cost is based on  Monday through Friday burial, with an additional fee is added for Saturday      burials.


Establishing “Right of Burial”


The first thing we need to do is establish if the individual can be placed on this lot.  To do so, we need to design a “family tree”.  (This tree is for “blood line” only, spouses are not included.  See example below)

Start with the original lot owner. If the lot owner(s) are deceased, move to the next bloodline,  children. 

List all children  living or deceased.  Once everyone in this line is deceased, continue to next line. 

Once the current correct blood line is established we can then determine who has  the right of burial and who has to sign cemetery prepared paperwork.



Second Right Of Burial Cost

£ Probing fee $50 (non-refundable)

For cremains to be placed above an existing burial,  probing must indicate that there is a minimum of 18” of room available.     

If required condition does NOT exist, cremains may NOT be placed on the probed grave.

If required conditions DO exist, proceed as follows:

£ ALL required cemetery consent paperwork must be completed , notarized and returned to the cemetery for recording.

£ The current weekday Professional Service Fee  is:

          $894  (if cremated in NY State*)

            700  (second right of burial fee)


  *If cremation process takes place outside of NY State, please add $5



1.  Please call the office to schedule your inurn  ment a minimum of 48 hours prior to burial.

2.  A proper non-biodegradable container or urn vault must be used.   Size determined by available room.

3.  Only one marker is allowed per grave and should reflect both burials.  If there is an existing marker  you must either inscribe on it or replace it with a new marker that will reflect both burials.  (Approximately $1020     and up).



Alternative Options

Burial space.  A major advantage of purchasing  burial space is that all decisions are made by the  lot owner.  No need to track down family members and request they sign the appropriate paperwork.

There are many options available from type of space, to location, to cost.  Below are a few of our more popular alternatives:


Located in Mount Calvary Cemetery

Section R-1:  $700 grave & marker

Allows for the burial of  two cremated remains and includes a black flat marker for $700 plus cost of interments and second date of death inscription.


Located in Pine Lawn Cemetery

Section J:  $400 grave

Single flat marker grave chosen by Mount Calvary staff, allowing two cremated  remains or a cremation and traditional burial for $400 plus cost of inurnment, marker, and, if including traditional burial, appropriate depth fee.


Located in Ridge Lawn Cemetery

Section G:  $700 grave & marker

Allows for the burial of cremated remains and includes a black flat marker for $700 plus cost of interments and second date of death inscription.

Wall of Remembrance:  $500  opening & scroll

Placed in a secure area within the building. Includes bronze name scroll  placed on plaque on outside wall of building. 


Note:  all prices subject to change without notice.

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