Mount Calvary Cemetery is pleased to offer the following programs to community groups. Programs are available during regular office hours at no charge. All programs are tailored to the audience and the specific context of your event. Please note, we only schedule one program per year per organization. For more information or to schedule a program, please call 892-6600.
Funerals and Burials: The Inside Story
Straight Answers to Real Questions, the face of funeral service has changed and so have your options. The purpose of the funeral, the role of the funeral director and cemeterian will be covered. What comprises a funeral? What does a funeral cost and are all funerals the same?
Pre-Planning: By Choice or By Chance?
No one should have to face the loss of a loved one uninformed and unprepared. Hear what “Pre-Planning” is all about and the benefits of planning today for tomorrow. Become an educated consumer by making meaningful choices and relieve your family and friends of the emotional and financial stress often associated with making arrangements when a death occurs.
Cremation: The Process, Procedure and Price
What does the word cremation really mean? Is cremation really less expensive? Hear how cremation is not a substitute for a funeral. Discover the options available when someone says they want to be cremated.
Life Cycle Planning
A panel of experts from the financial, legal and funeral industry will provide valuable insight on how to prepare for the future. The decisions you make or do not make, will and can have long lasting affects. Living Wills, Health Care Proxies and Irrevocable Trusts are just a few of the topics to be covered.